Monday 28 February 2022

Another oldie framed


I've just been checking back on my blog and hadn't realised that I started this SAL of Beatrix Potter in 2011. I finally finished it in 2015 and since then it has been in a drawer with all the other stitching that needs framing or finishing off. OH framed it for me a couple of weeks ago and it's now hanging on the wall where it belongs. I have quite a few pieces that I got fed up with stitching on or my tastes changed but looking back through them now I want to at least finish another one or two this year.

February's ornament is finished, I'm not sure if I'll finish them off as trees as they are in the booklet or whether to just have them with a loop for hanging on the tree. No rush at the moment to decide.

Another small stitch to make up, I can't remember who it is by and the chart has been put somewhere safe and I can't find it either. Too much going on in this old brain of mine lately and not all of it good.

Another couple of project bags have been made and have made a welcome change to get my sewing machine out as it doesn't get used as much as it should. Lots of fabric in the cupboards waiting to be used, both patchwork and dressmaking so I ought to make more of an effort before gardening season is upon us.

I had a craving for something sweet over the weekend so a little baking was done, needless to say that there's not a lot left of either the cake or the tarts now. I love making cakes, it was the last job that I had in my working life when I made cakes for a tea room which I really enjoyed doing.

No flowers in the garden at the moment though we have been out getting everything in the garden ready for Spring but a nice bunch of daffodils makes things look cheery. OH is out in the garden now putting in new compost bins that he's made but as it's raining I don't think he'll be out there much longer.

That's about it for now, take care,

love Sue xx


Thursday 10 February 2022

February catch up

Last year I was determined I was going to make more ornaments for the Christmas tree but as usual it didn't happen so I thought I'd try again. I've managed to stitch one and start on another so fingers crossed I don't lose motivation again. Thankfully the days are getting longer and the sun keeps peeping through so as long as I keep thinking that Spring is on it's way I'll be ok.


 So this is the first, Prairie Schooler book 183

DH had another one to frame for me. I finished this last year but never got around to putting up a picture. Fragile Dreams by Design Works.

I've put a few more stitches into Spring Planting by Dimensions, it's about time I finished some of the many UFOs that I have.

I thought I'd have a go at making a project bag, I'd made similar before but never used vinyl but I didn't find it too tricky. Quite pleased with my first attempt.


 Not a lot happening in the garden other than this lovely helibore with its pretty flowers. The daffodils and tulips are showing through but nothing worthy of a photo yet.

Well that's about it for now, take care , Sue xx

Thursday 20 January 2022

A long overdue post

It's been a while since I last blogged, the second half of last year wasn't a very good one; losing friends and family is never a good thing to go through but it does put life in perspective. As well as that we also lost our lovely cat Troy, after all the tablets and medicines that he was taking it was dementia that finally made us make the decision to let him go. He was 16, a really friendly cat  who brought a lot of happiness to our family.  We still have his son, Gizmo who is now about the same age as there was only six months between them so we're not completely cat free, we still have lots of fuss and purrs.

A little bit of stitching to show. I did manage to do the Christmas exchange that I do every year though I sent something that I'd stitched earlier in the year as I couldn't motivate myself to do any stitching.

This is what I sent to Cathie

and this is what I received from Jenn, such a lovely exchange.
DH asked for woodworking tools for Christmas and he's been busy using them.
I stitched this piece just before Christmas and he made the box to go with it. The photos aren't very good as the light wasn't right and I don't think my old camera is doing so well these days but for now it will have to do. He's also been framing some of my old stitching that needed doing as I hadn't framed them right in the first place.

Berry Days at Thistle Down Farm by Brenda Gervais, I still have the needlebook to stitch but that can be done later.

I was going to put some more photos up but blogger doesn't want to let me so I'll leave it here for now.

Take care all,

love Sue xx

Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my friends and family, lets hope that it's a good one for all of us.

Love Sue xx

Friday 16 July 2021

A Summer exchange

Another couple of months have passed by with no blogging but the garden is still keeping me busy as is my DH who is thoroughly enjoying his retirement. He's never had much time to get out in the garden other than weekends but he is out there from morning 'til night either digging or building rose arches or playing around with the fish pond but it's good to see him keeping occupied.

I've still not done a lot of stitching as I keep having migraines, the optician says it could be stress related or my blood pressure might need checking or it could be bright lights or being on the computer a tad too long. I'm trying to not stress over things, a bit impossible when you're one of the world's biggest worriers, and I've been keepng off the computer which has been easy as I've spent so much time outdoors I've not missed it.

I did stitch my gift for the Gift of Friendship exchange which I do every year. This year I sent to Deb.

And this is what I received from Gail, isn't it lovely. The picture on it is from when we used to do a thread exchange many years ago so it's a lovely reminder of all the friends I made along the way.

I feel truly blessed with all the goodies that she sent it was like Christmas opening all of the little parcels that were in the box.

Troy hasn't been well again so another trip to the vets so along with his heart and kidney problems he now has an overactive thyroid, it's costing us a fortune at the vet's but while there's hope we'll keep trying.

A few pictures of the pond and the garden. Tony had six new fish bought for his birthday at the beginning of June and so far four of them have died. The aquatics shop they came from said it was probably stress that killed them but we asked advice from someone else and they seem to think the fish might have a parasite that is killing them so at the moment the water is a lovely shade of blue with the chemicals that have gone in. It makes the fish look very pretty.

The photo of the veg garden was taken a few weeks ago, it now looks like a jungle with everything growing.



The pergola is a work in progress and it's keeping DH busy.

Well that's about it for now, I have stitching on the go and knitting too, the skirt I was about to sew is still waiting to be done but there's no hurry all I seem to wear these days are gardening clothes.

Take care all, Sue x

Friday 28 May 2021

Good intentions

It's been a few weeks since I blogged mainly due to the fact that there's not been a lot of stitching going on but there has been a lot of gardening. That is to say that we've gardened when the weather has been kind to us which for the past few weeks hasn't been all that often.

It is looking good, nice and tidy but the plants that we've grown are at least a month behind from last year but hopefully they'll catch up.

Stitching has been going on in the evenings but lately all I've wanted to do is sit and nod, it must be all the extra exercise that I've been getting in the garden.

A few finishes, some that have been lying in the cupboard for a while.



and just a little more stitching,

and lots of baking to keep energy levels topped up.

I was going to put some pictures of the garden up but blogger doesn't want to let me do anything. It's taken ages to get these photos up so I'll quit while I'm ahead and try again later.

Sue xx

Sunday 28 February 2021

The sun is shining......

....and I am feeling that I'm ready to come out of hibernation and get going again.

I seem to have had a busy month though not a lot to show again. I've been finishing off a few things that have been hiding in the cupboard.

Lizzie Kate Joyeux Noel.

Country Cottage Needleworks Gingerbread village house #2

 Lizzie Kate Hark.

On the knitting front this is the jumper that I finished for DH just before Christmas, it had been hanging around for a long time so I thought I'd better get on with it.

Still in a knitting mood I started a cardigan for me last month, a bit easier pattern so quite quick to knit up, I've a feeling that it may be a bit on the long side but it will keep me warm when I need it.  

DD started this exit puzzle but after moving back home she found that it was all broken up in the board holder so she said I could do it as long as I didn't tell her the escape route. I don't think there's much chance of that as even with the clues me and DH are struggling to work out the escape route without opening the envelope with the solution in

Still not much flowering in the garden, mainly due to a makeover in the borders which will keep us busy this summer, so I bought a few daffodils to cheer myself up.

I put a few more stitches into Spring Planting and I've been stitching on something for an exchange but the garden is taking up most of my time at the moment and it's been lovely to be able to get outside without freezing though we're still getting early morning frosts.

I'm still having problems not being able to comment on blogs, I've tried different servers but I just get a blocked delivery email back so until I can sort it I'll just keep on reading but won't be able to say how much I've enjoyed what you've all done.

That's about it for now,

love and hugs,

Sue x

Sunday 31 January 2021

It must be cold

Although these two are father and son, Gizmo and Troy don't actually get on together, they tolerate one another and that's about it. For the past two nights I've found them snuggled up together in an armchair that one of them sleeps on during the day so either they are mellowing or they must be feeling the cold. They are both over 15 so perhaps it's old age.

Not a lot has been happening again. I went and had my vaccination for the corona virus and other than an aching arm and feeling more tired than usual it was fine.

I have done a little stitching but I've been knitting more just lately, it seems to occupy my mind more and keep niggling thoughts at bay.

This is the start I made on a Dimensions chart called Spring Planting, lovely colourful flowers in a basket.

 I don't think I've taken any photos of my knitting but I will do for next time.

I've just finished reading this book by Amanda Prowse and although I've read more by her this one didn't cheer me up at all. It was a good story just seemed a little sad. I think I need to find some new authors to lighten things up a bit.

Nothing seems to be stirring in the garden other than the daffodils and tulips shooting through so I'll leave you with a photo of my orchid that keeps on giving.

Love and hugs, 

Sue xx

Saturday 16 January 2021

Trying to blog again

It's been that long since I've blogged regularly that everything has changed on here and I've been trying to sort out where things are and what to write about. I've been trying to sort through some of last years photos so that I can show what we did to the house and garden but there aren't many of those either.

I did a couple of exchanges,

this was the Summer one from RoseMary which took three months to get to me.


While I was waiting for it she sent me another gift, to replace the lost one.

I was going to put a photo of what I sent to my partner but it seems to have disappeared. 

This is the Christmas exchange that I sent to RoseMary.

and this is what I received from Marina.

I'm having a few problems sorting out things on the blog and I've tried to comment on other people's blogs but the messages keep bouncing back. I'll have to investigate further tomorrow when it's not so late.

Nothing much happening in the garden, the tulips and daffodils are coming through so I'm looking forward to a nice show in Spring but at the moment the only thing that seems to be growing is this lovely hellebore that we bought last year.

Off to bed for now, will sort blogger out another day.

Love Sue xx


Saturday 2 January 2021

Happy New Year

I know it's a day late but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I didn't realise that it was almost 12 months since I'd been on my blog but so much has happened in the past twelve months that I'd not even thought about it. 

DH retired last year, the firm he worked for were making redundancies and so with the virus hanging around we thought the time was right even though he'd still got another year before he retires officially. We spent most of the year either gardening or decorating. We had the last of the new windows put in and got things done to the house so it's easier to maintain while we can. 

We'd looked forward to him retiring, planned to do this that and the other, to go to different places but it's not to be......for now, but we live in hope that things will get better.

I didn't do a lot of crafting during the year but I'm hoping that will change. It was my birthday yesterday and I had more lovely goodies to add to my ever bulging cupboards so some of it needs to be used.

Have a safe and happy year, take care,

Sue xx