There's not been a lot of stitching going on apart from the exchanges that I've done but I can't show those as I've not even posted them yet! I really want to get out in the garden but with the rain and storms that we've had today it's easier to stay indoors and put another few stitches into Beatrix.
Tony is still remodelling the greenhouse but he's not having much luck getting the glass back in with the rain, it's a bit of a delicate operation trying to fit big sheets of glass with wet hands. Anyway I thought I'd share a few photos of the garden that I've found on my camera from last week.

The first is a rhodedendron called Grumpy, how something so pretty can be called that I don't know, but I had to buy it for Tony because that's a name I call him sometimes, not always to his face, lol. The second is of my lovely potato plant that goes mad every year growing over my pergola, it's a lovely sight from the bedroom window.

This is one of the many aquilegia plants that grow so well in my garden, I love how they keep
coming back year after year, and a lovely iris that used to grow in my Mum and Dad's garden.

Just a few of the little plants that are coming up and a view of my greenhouse when everything had been taken out ready to extend it. The aluminium greenhouse has gone now and the wooden one is extended where it stood. I hope that it's up and running for the weekend because there's so much that needs to go back.