Monday 26 January 2009


Saturday was a day for me. I was determined that I was going to get something done so I started early with the housework so that I could get the rest of the day to myself. First I had to do a bit of baking as Tony likes his cakes and if he's happy then the whole world is fine.

By the time I managed to take a photo, half an apple pie had been devoured and a few of the tarts and sad to say they have all been polished off by everyone now so I need to do some more.

The afternoon was spent searching for a pattern for my Easter banner so I had a good look through all my old magazines but still didn't come up with anything but I've an idea of what I want so it might have to be a bit of this and that to make what I want to stitch.

I finished Tara's needlecase after the second attempt. The theme is signs of the zodiac and with Tara being a Libra I thought that I'd stitch some scales; that was until DH asked why I was stitching a pair of hanging baskets and somehow it didn't look right after that. After that I sorted out my material for my Beatrix Potter SAL and spent a few hours in the evening stitching away on that. I'm still not sure about the colour but I don't think that I can be bothered to frog it all so I'll just have to get used to it.

It doesn't look as dark as this in real life so I think I might persevere.............

where did all those years go?

I'm catching up on my blog as I seem to have been a bit too busy to write anything for the past couple of weeks, but I couldn't miss writing about Sharon's birthday. 30 years ago on 23rd January 1979 I became the proud mother of a gorgeous baby girl who arrived looking bright red with an enormous mop of black hair, but after almost 24 hours in labour and an emergency caesarian I wouldn't have cared what she looked like. And now she is expecting her first baby and I can't wait for it to come.

This is Sharon and Rachels' baby Lily taken in September last year, oh how lovely to be able to sit outside in the sunshine again......

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Clearing away the cobwebs

I have had a few days trying to sort out the computer as it is so full of junk that it's going on strike. I thought though that I didn't want to get rid of everything so I'm putting a few pictures to remind me on here. The next two photos are of my middle daughter Kim, she doesn't get a mention very often so I thought that I'd write a bit about her.
Recently, just before Christmas, she was made redundant from her accounts job and has had no luck in finding another job yet though it is early days and there aren't that many jobs going around here. She also split with her boyfriend of over three years so a good reason for her to let her hair down a little. The photos were taken at her friend Donna's birthday party, and, no, she didn't take the gun out with her. All her friends dressed up in forces uniform and I dread to think what they all looked like marching into the pubs, but they had a good night out and that's what counts.
She's been thinking of joining the RAF and went to an open day in Nottingham yesterday for the nursing course. She's not sure if she's going to do anything about it yet as it means another three years at uni and she's already done four but this time she would be getting paid for it. If she does decide to try for it and she's lucky enough to get accepted, then the training starts in June and it will be the first time in thirty years that Tony and me will be on our own in our little house which seems to be getting bigger month by month. I would have two bedrooms spare and the front room, someone must have been listening to my prayers.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

New blog background

I have been having a messing about day today on the computer and saw on Chris's blog a link to Izzie Grace's free backgrounds and as it's taken me over an hour to figure it out I'm not sure whether I should leave it like this or go back to my original white background. I shall see how long it takes for me to get used to it.


I entered a PIF on Chris's blog last year and I was one for the lucky people to be drawn as a member of her PIF. I've not had chance until now to sort me and my blog out to give the chance to someone else so I'm hoping that somebody might find my blog and join in.
*** This is how it works ***
If you would like to receive something handmade by me within the next 365 days, please comment on this post to say that you are interested. I will then ask my DH to draw 3 names out of a hat on January 31st. If you are one of the chosen three then in return, please post the same offer on your blog.This is a simple and a lovely way of spreading joy in the stitching world. I hope that you will join in and possibly become one of my PIF members!This PIF is open for everyone.

Beatrix Potter SAL

I have finally sorted out my fabric and threads for this SAL and hopefully I'm going to try and get some stitches in before the weekend. I decided on 32 count antique white Belfast linen as I've used that before quite a bit and for some reason I can never match coloured fabric and threads successfully. The thread is DMC115 as I already had enough of that in my sewing box and I like the effect that it gives so I've stuck with something that I know that I'll be happy with.

It's not a very good photo, I think my camera is freezing up in this cold weather or it could just be my cold hands not doing it right lol.

Monday 5 January 2009


Chris sent me her lovely needle case for her PIF but I wanted to send her something just for being a good friend and keeping me motivated with my stitching, her enthusiasm is certainly catching. This is what I came up with and I said it was a PIB, a Pay It Back, for all her kindness.This is the first time that I'd tried doing a heart shape and I'm pleased the way that it has turned out and I think chris was pleased with the end result too.

My Birthday

Well, I was feeling so much better for my birthday even though my head was still spinning for an ear infection that the flu had left me with and I had so many cards and presents for my birthday (January 1st) that I couldn't be miserable even if I tried.
These are the cards and presents that I received from the Threads Of Friendship group that I am in, they are a lovely group of ladies and this was either my third or fourth year of doing this exchange.

These are all my birthday cards, I think I had about 40 in all as well as some lovely smellies and chocolate and another Lilliput Lane cottage to put to my collection.

Chris sent me her PIF that I was lucky enough to win on her blog and it is absolutely gorgeous.

Don't you agree that it is lovely, the photo doesn't do it justice so if I get a minute I'll try and take a better one.

Christmas and the New Year

It seems such a long time since I posted but things have a habit of going into freefall these days and I've not been feeling my best.
The week before Rachel and Darren were to move out, I came down with the flu and it stopped me in my tracks, I felt so rough and ended up in bed for almost a week which took us to Christmas. Tony in the meantime had also caught it but had to help Rachel move out or they'd have never got in in time for Christmas Day.
Sharon and Carl came for Boxing Day and Saturday and I felt so sorry for them as we just weren't up to visitors but they said that they enjoyed the time with us although we weren't 100%.
Rachel Lily and Darren came for Christmas lunch which turned out surprisingly good even if we didn't eat much but the highlight of the day was seeing Lily open her presents for the first time.

As you can see, she was more interested in the wrapping paper than she was of the gifts inside but she did love the little cooker that Darren's mum and dad bought her.
This is our Christmas tree which we managed to move back into the front room. We only had half of it up in the conservatory but once Rachel had moved all her stuff out we managed to get the whole tree up and decorated just in time for Christmas day.
The table setting wasn't too good this year as it was all done in a bit of a hurry but the old stanbys served their purpose and we sat by candle light for our meal.
All in all dispite feeling so ill, I think everyone enjoyed themselves but just in case they were being kind, we said that we'd do it all again at Easter if we can

Wednesday 10 December 2008

On the move

We've had some good news over the past couple of days; Rachel and Darren and baby Lily have found themselves a house to rent and the good news is that it's only five minutes down the road from us so visiting won't be too bad.

Rachel moved back home to live with us before Lily was born as she and Lily's dad didn't get on anymore so we had to rearrange the whole house to accomadate her and her new arrival, not to mention the three cats that she brought home with her. To say that space has been on the tight side would be an understatement as me and her dad moved downstairs to sleep so that Rachel could have the little room next to ours for Lily's nursery.

It has been a struggle as our house isn't very big to begin with and with Kim still at home and Rachel having Darren her new partner to stay over, it's been a bit of a tight squeeze.

They get the keys on the 19th and they want to move in before Christmas and as it's a new house I think they'll manage to do it.

I'd like to think that I could move all my furniture back upstairs and have the dining table up and running again before Christmas Eve; I think I'll be pushing my luck, but I'm certainly going to have a damn good try.

It will be so good to go upstairs to bed again although it's been easier on the old knees but I've never felt quite right sleeping in the front room.

Apart from being really cold with this frosty weather, there's nothing much else to report. I've finished all the stitching that I needed to do for Christmas, I do have a picture to show but until it's arrived I won't post a pic of it yet just in case the friend who it's going to sees it.

Off to my bed now as my fingers are seizing up with the cold, a nice cup of tea, a good book and a warm bed are all calling me................