It's opening day tomorrow for the exchange I took part in but as I wanted to put it on the blog I opened it a day early. The piece I stitched that ended up in the bin was replaced by this one that I'd just finished, I hope she likes it and the extras that I sent.
This is the gift I got from Cathie, it's really pretty and will go on the wall as soon as I can find a nail to hang it on, such a lot of work has gone into it,
and these are the goodies that she sent with it.
I finished Hedge Row by Plum Street samplers, it's not a very good photo, no sunshine today to brighten things up. I just need to finish it now, not sure whether I'll frame it or make it into a cushion as it is on the pattern.
We've been out in the garden again this past week, everything seems to be growing well apart from the parsnips that are still sleeping.
Just a few pictures of the garden, the plants we grew are at last beginning to flower.
This is a new rose we planted this year, it's called Ice Cream and has lovely big flower heads and a really nice perfume
We spent last weekend walking round Lullington, a village not to far away. We try and go most years when they have their annual open gardens, it makes a nice day out looking at all the different flowers. Tea and cake on the village green and plants for sale too not to mention the ice cream where I usually end up with raspberry sauce on my clothes.
I think that's about it for now, enjoy your weekend everyone,
take care, Sue x