Friday 27 February 2009

Lily's birthday

How could I forget about this? February 7th was Lily's 1st birthday and Rachel and her partner Darren brought Lily round to show us the cake that she'd got for her birthday tea. It was so funny watching her face as the candles were lit and then when Rachel tried to blow them out with her, she screamed the house down.

The pictures are all a bit dark for some reason, but , as you can see she had a great time pulling pieces off the cake though she didn't eat any. She must be the only child I know that doesn't like sweet things, not even chocolate.


back again

It seems ages since I've blogged but I have had so many problems with my computer that I've felt like throwing it out; if it wasn't for the fact that I can't afford a new one then it would be gone. To be honest though, she has done me proud as we are both getting on in years, so until she heads for the big cyberspace in the sky then I'll stick with her!

We also had another major expense that we didn't want when the car broke down. Tony said that it had been driving funny for weeks so we thought as it was so old we'd have to get another or risk being stranded somewhere, so last week was spent looking for another car.

We eventually got one on Saturday afternoon so on Sunday we decided to go for a drive to test it out. I didn't want to just go up and down the motorway so we decided to head for Bakewell which is probably an hour and a half from where we live. It is so beautiful there and although it is only a little village it was so crowded. The area is well known for hikers and climbers but I didn't imagine that there would be so many people about this early in the season.

Here's a link to the village if you'd like to see what it's like.

I didn't let on to Tony that there is a lovely needlework shop in Bakewell until we happened to walk past it. We did go in and look around but as we'd just had the expense of the car I was quite happy just to browse but later on, just before we went home Tony took me back and ordered me a new sewing lamp that I'm eagerly waiting to be delivered.

All the stitching that I've done seems to be for exchanges or PIFs so no pictures to put up but now everything is done I'm thinking of stitching a LHN chart that I've wanted to do for ages, just got to decide which one,


Tuesday 10 February 2009

xstitch monthly exchange

My exchange to Tara made its way to her dispite all the snow on the ground so I can put a picture up to remind me of what I've stitched for her.
I added a little pocket at the back as I thought it might be somewhere to store thread or scissors.

Friday 6 February 2009

An Award

I have been given this award by Chris and I now have to pass it on to 8 friends who I think deserve this. It might take some time so I'll be back later. The words have to go with the picture.

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

Right, I've had a think and these are the people that will get an award

Erynne Be-stitched
Susan the lazy stitcher
Kath kaths stitching heaven
Lorna a bit of everything

Sunday 1 February 2009

And the winners are...

thanks to Kath, and Susan, for entering my PIF and as they are the only two, well you're the winners lol.
If you could both let me have your addresses then I will stitch something for you by the end of the year.


Saturday 31 January 2009

My Pay It Forward

There's still time to join in if anyone would like to, I'll give the results tomorrow.

Sue x


yes it's Saturday again and after another shopping trip and queueing in the post office for half an hour I've finally managed to do a bit of stitching, nothing that can be shown as it's for a gift. I thought that I'd have five minutes looking through my mail and as usual I end up looking at other peoples blogs and the time vanishes so quickly when I'm enjoying myself.
I am now an official member of CADD thanks to Erryne, I wish I knew how to do a proper link, if anyone could tell me I'd be so grateful.
I've a stitchy night planned, Tony says he wants pizza for tea so who am I to argue, it means I don't have to cook so more time to stitch.

My exchange from Tara

I joined xstitch monthly just before Christmas and this is my first exchange with the group from Tara. I went to the post office this morning to send mine on its way and when I got home Taras was waiting for me to open. I can't put a photo up of what I've stitched for her yet just in case someone sees it. Isn't it lovely........

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Too good to be true

I had so much planned for today and its now gone 4.00pm and I'm still in my dressing gown. Another water infection has had me spending the day on the sofa, I am so fed up with feeling low. Still I have had time to finish my library book so it's not been all bad. I couldn't concentrate on my stitching otherwise I'd have done a bit more on my SAL; never mind, tomorrow's another day and hopefully it will be a better one.............

Summer will soon be here again................

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Tuesday and I'm shattered

I think that I'm still catching my breath from the weekend. Sunday I had a day in the garden and did some heavy digging although the garden was a bit too wet for it but it really needed doing. I cleared out the small greenhouse where we usually grow the tomatoes, changed all the soil and composted it so that it's ready for some juicy tomatoes and cucumbers to grow.

We went to the garden centre first thing Sunday morning as there is a lovely little fabric and stitching shop on the site, a little bit expensive but some lovely fabric, and I needed some to back some stitching that I'd done. Then of course I couldn't walk away without looking at the seeds and came out with a load of potatoes, onion sets and seeds to plant, hence the mad workout in the garden.
The garden was sadly neglected last yearuntil the autumn when we started to move everything around but at last I can see what I need to do to make it look better.

This is our vegetable plot though now it is twice as big as we've taken all the turf up so that we can grow more. We moved the turf up to the top flower garden and extended the lawn with it so now we have a clean slate to start off with this year though at the moment the flower borders are looking a bit bare but I can see the daffodils and snowdrops pushing through as well as a load of forget me not plants that I dig out every year but always come back.

Yesterday, I spent most of the morning sorting out the freezer as we'd ordered a load of meat from Tony's brother's shop so I made sure that everything was labelled correctly so we don't eat beef when it's supposed to be lamb............I've done that quite a few times lol.

Today it's been back to looking after Lily and she's such an angel. She hardly stopped giggling from the moment Rachel brought her in this morning until she picked her up this evening. She takes all my energy though so it will be an early night if I can make it.

There's nothing on TV so I think I'll go and stitch for a bit, it's such a hard life.........