Saturday 20 July 2024

Exchange time and a little gardening

        Once again the Summer exchange has come round again, this was a lovely exchange from Jen,          lots of goodies to use. Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of what I sent but my partner was pleased with her exchange.

I've been trying to do a little stitching but I can't seem to concentrate at the moment, too many doctors and hospital appointments to remember for DH and making sure he takes his medication. Thankfully he's doing well and now he's got the all clear to drive again he seems a bit brighter.

Not a lot of stitching going on but this time of year is when I like to be out in the garden my safe haven, if ever I have one of my anxiety attacks an hour in the garden always calms me down.
This is my progress on Follow your Dreams, not much but there has been a lot of frogging going on where I kept making mistakes but I'll carry on and hopefully the frog will go away.

We've spent a lot of time either in the garden or going for walks when the weather has been kind which hasn't happened over the past week, so much rain again but the garden needs it. However since I started writing this blog post we seem to be in a mini heatwave which is way too hot for me. The clouds are out today so it feels a little fresher thankfully.

This lovely rose has been full of flower for the past few weeks though when I went to open the greenhouse this morning it was looking a bit battered after the rain but it will soon bounce back.

The passion flower is full of buds this year, it's a bit of a thug but I do like them.

Our first broccoli, and the cauliflowers are coming too but we seem to have a lot of white fly this year even though they've been well covered

The tomatoes are growing, as are the peppers and cucumbers

And finally we have some apples on the tree, we lost such a lot with the wind that I didn't think there would be any left but I'm sure there will be enough for a few crumbles or pies.

I've been doing a lot of reading this year and I'm enjoying reading The Wrong Daughter,

I'm about half way through and it's a good read.

Well, that's about it for now, not a lot happening other than the usual housework and baking, sewing and a bit of knitting. I've got so many things that I want to do I should never be bored but some days I just want to sit in the garden and do nothing, not very productive but good for the soul.

Take care all,

love Sue xx