Monday, 10 April 2017

Getting back to normal

 .....or as normal as I'll ever be.. I had a bad start to the year with one thing and another but hoping that now Spring has finally arrived I'll be in a better place. I have tried to keep busy but it's been mostly reading and falling asleep, two of my favourite hobbies at the moment.

I have done a little stitching, please excuse the photos, I do think it's about time I had a new camera.

Another tea pot has been added, just one more and then all the backstitching to do.

Lots of stitches put into Celtic Noel that seemed to take forever.

And because of this, I remembered that I had this to finish off. I don't know what he was doing sitting in the bowl.

I started this one years ago and stitched something wrong on it, once upon a time I would have frogged it all but it took me a while to find the mistake when I picked it up again so I've left it.

I've missed doing my stitching but can't seem to get motivated at the moment, any ideas on how to get into a routine again?

The garden is coming to life with lots of blossom on the trees and it looks like we might have a bumper crop of fruit this year, especially looking forward to seeing what the new fruit trees we planted last year will produce. We've already had a couple of rhubarb crumbles and still loads more stalks to pull.

Just a few photos of the garden before I go and hopefully I won't be so long in posting next time.

Thanks for stopping by,

Sue x