We've had some good news over the past couple of days; Rachel and Darren and baby Lily have found themselves a house to rent and the good news is that it's only five minutes down the road from us so visiting won't be too bad.
Rachel moved back home to live with us before Lily was born as she and Lily's dad didn't get on anymore so we had to rearrange the whole house to accomadate her and her new arrival, not to mention the three cats that she brought home with her. To say that space has been on the tight side would be an understatement as me and her dad moved downstairs to sleep so that Rachel could have the little room next to ours for Lily's nursery.

It has been a struggle as our house isn't very big to begin with and with Kim still at home and Rachel having Darren her new partner to stay over, it's been a bit of a tight squeeze.
They get the keys on the 19th and they want to move in before Christmas and as it's a new house I think they'll manage to do it.
I'd like to think that I could move all my furniture back upstairs and have the dining table up and running again before Christmas Eve; I think I'll be pushing my luck, but I'm certainly going to have a damn good try.
It will be so good to go upstairs to bed again although it's been easier on the old knees but I've never felt quite right sleeping in the front room.
Apart from being really cold with this frosty weather, there's nothing much else to report. I've finished all the stitching that I needed to do for Christmas, I do have a picture to show but until it's arrived I won't post a pic of it yet just in case the friend who it's going to sees it.
Off to my bed now as my fingers are seizing up with the cold, a nice cup of tea, a good book and a warm bed are all calling me................